This year, the deadline to apply for funding to support participation in Mycotoxin Workshop 2025 is February 28th, 2025.



The overall objective of the Travel Grants is start providing financial support by the Society for Mycotoxin Research for participation at the Mycotoxin Workshop. Aim is to support young scientist from the developing countries to participate at the Mycotoxin Workshop. 



Publishing call for applications: 31st of January 2025

Start of submitting applications: 1st of February 2025

Deadline for submitting applications: 28th of February 2025

The awards will be announced around End of March/Beginning April 2025

Late applications will not be accepted.



To apply, email the information listed below to

Please use the following subject line: MW 2025 Travel Grant Application



Support may be granted to: Bachelors, Masters, PhD (valid student ID is required), postdoctoral researchers and other early career scientists (not older than 40 years on the first day of the Workshop)



1. Curiculum vitae

Please provide the following information:

  • Your family name and given name
  • The name of your university
  • Whether you are a student (include your level of study) or a postdoctoral fellow
  • A brief statement describing your academic standing and research interests
  • Your expected graduation date and degree
  • The name of your advisor
  • If applicable, a URL to your personal or academic webpage
  • Information about any previous major conferences you have attended, including dates

Details of any other awards or recognitions you have received, if relevant.

2. Letter of support 

Letter of support from the advisor, supervisor, head of department, or similar confirming your status, recommending your attendance, and describing the availability of other funds.

3. Abstract for an oral or poster presentation at  Mycotoxin Workshop 2025

Report the title of your contribution submitted for the conference using our online registration and abstract submission portal. (NOTE: It is necessary to be an author of a MW 2025 contribution to receive travel funding.)

4, Budget and budget justification

5. (Optional) your demographic information



Travel distance under 5.000 km: €350 per person for round-trip.

Travel distance above 5.000 km: €700 per person for round-trip.

The distance between the participant’s place of residence and the host’s location

For short distances of under 600 km, travelling by airplane is only allowed in exceptional and well justified cases:

  • for persons with a disability
  • for travelling from or to an island with no ferry connections
  • due to force majeure or grave personal circumstances



Financial support will be paid by bank transfer after successful in person participation at the workshop. For reimbursement, a bank account with IBAN is required.

Awards are given based on the careful evaluation of all applications by the travel grant selection panel, followed by formal approval by the board of directors of the society form mycotoxin research. The Expected benefit of the trip for the applicant and the scientific career and the scientific quality of the described research will be of special importance but also the following prioritizing factors will be considered:

  • Student authors and co-authors of accepted papers who do not have other support.
  • Members of underrepresented groups or from institutions not traditionally represented at the conference who have research interests in areas covered by MW and whose attendance would broaden participation at the conference.
  • Student applicants whose statements and supporting information make particularly cogent justification for the benefit they will receive from attending the conference.
  • Postdoctoral authors of accepted papers who do not have other support.
  • First-time applicants and students who have not received other travel-related stipends to MW in the recent past. (in next editions)

All decisions are final and legal recourse is excluded. 



With sending your grant application to your you accept that your personal data is stored within the data system of the Society for Mycotoxin Research.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Data

Information stored will exclusively be used in relation to the travel gramt application or subsequent applications. Your personal data will be treated by the travel grant selection panel, theboard of directors of the Society for Mycotoxin Research, and the local organizers of the current Mycotoxin Workshop and will only be passed on to third parties if this is necessary for payment purposes or for legal reasons (e. g. in the case of an external audit), but it will not be distributed or sold to other parties for other purposes.

Right to Information

Upon request, the organisers of this event will provide you, in writing, with all personal data they have stored about you. You can inquire where the data were collected, to whom they are disclosed and the purposes for which they have been stored.

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All Rights Reserved. 


No portions of this website may be used without written permission. 

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